
an actions or processes of solving a problem

Sustainability Solutions:

Sustainability involves such aspects as setting clear targets and measuring progress towards them, maximising operational efficiency, developing opportunities for further economic and environmental benefits, and achieving the buy-in and recognition from Stakeholders.

NetGreen Solutions:

Sustainable 'Built Environment' Solutions - when referring to those surroundings created. for humans, by humans, and. to be used for human activity.

Renewable Energy Solutions - increasingly relevant in addressing climate change, building a climate-resilient urban and micro rural infrastructures on renewable energy.

IT Applications & Solutions - a critical component of Solutions to enable the validation and measurement of Sustainable systems, to empower Engagement and rapid Investment into the available Solutions.
Left Panel - Engagement

What Makes A NetGreen Solution?

The principal objective of the NetGreen Platform is to promote and enable the Engagement of Sustainable Solutions. We have come-up with a combination of Processes illustrated below that will contribute towards huge Task to be undertaken throughout Europe.

Initially as we have just opened this Platform, we will be starting with our own Solutions that we have developed, installing and are in Development. Once we have tested and properly resourced the Platform during 2023, we will be looking for 3rd party Sustainable Solutions, that we can put through the NetGreen Solutions Process, to disseminate to a EU wide market, for replication.

Right Panel - Engagement

the areas which we will be concentrating on - built environment
Sustainable 'Built Environment'
mix thermal projects -
Renewable Energy Solutions
IT Solutions -
IT Applications & Solutions